How to properly raise Cobb 500 broilers?
The question asks:
Good time. Please briefly describe the correct feeding of COBB 500 broilers
Expert answer
Answers the question:
Viktor Nikolaevich Travnikov
For about 20 years he has been breeding laying hens, broilers, geese, ducks and other poultry. Our expert who is always happy to help readers.
In order to grow a broiler quickly with the lowest feed costs, certain parameters should be strictly adhered to:
- temperature regime;
- humidity conditions;
- illumination;
- feeding.
- starter (pre-starter, depending on manufacturer) 0 - 6 weeks;
- fattening 7-13 weeks;
- finish 14 - 17 weeks.
- boiled egg (1 per 10 heads);
- cottage cheese 2-3 g per head;
- corn and wheat groats of fine grinding in constant access. At the age of 5-10 days, eggs are removed from the diet. Cottage cheese can be replaced with curdled milk or, in extreme cases, whey.
- corn;
- wheat
- barley;
- oatmeal. Dry cereals should be freely available. Part of the cereal can be poured with boiling water or hot whey, and infused until cool. Salt 0.5 g per head is added to the mash. From this age, green fodder is introduced into the diet. Preference is given to fresh legumes.
- boiled potatoes;
- bone and meat and bone meal;
- sunflower meal;
- waste legumes;
- kitchen waste.
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